Bud Milligan on VoicesUS® - Audition & hire this North American voiceover artist (★★★★★)
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Bud Milligan

Bud Milligan
Approved long-term voice artist. Read more.

This pre-approved verified showcase went live 11 months ago. This voice artist has committed to remain an active lifetime member.

Bud Milligan
Approved long-term voice artist. Read more.

This pre-approved verified voice artist's showcase went live 11 months ago. They have been active on the VoicesUK talent team and have committed to a lifetime showcase on the platform.

          Demo 1:
          Demo 2:

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  • Current availability:

    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday , Thursday, Friday


    Zoom/Link-based, Skype


    Under 24hr delivery

  •    AGE RANGE:

    Middle aged, Senior

  •    Accent origin:

    Mid-Atlantic/Neutral, US - Mississippi, US - Tennessee

  •    Vocal timbre:


IN SUMMARY: Actor and voice over talent with decades of experience. Deep, rich, natural voice. Request a free no obligation quote.

I am an actor, model, and voice talent with professional training and coaching in all areas. I started in radio at the age of 16 and immediately began voice training for professional commercial work through the station program director.

I was an on-air talent and production voice through college. After my service in the Marine Corps, I was hired to manage a start-up country music station in Dickson, TN. I began modeling and acting at that time, as well.

I now have a dedicated home studio and actively work as an actor, model, and voice talent. I am currently training with voice over coach Joe Loesch.

Click here for a free no obligation quote if you'd like an audition sample from me (or voices similar to mine).


Mic: Sennheiser mhk 416 and sE2200; Computer: PC; DAW: Reaper and Audacity; Audio Interface: Apollow UAD and Scarlett 2i2; Dedicated home studio acoustically treated.


I started my voice over career in the early 1980's as a teenager with natural talent. I was hired by a mid-market FM Top 40 radio station as on-air talent and production talent. The Production Manager coached me in weekly hour-long training sessions. I am still training with a voice over coach, Joe Loesch.

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